As a tool to re-enforce my study habits, I often watch trash television, because nothing says "Oh god, I need to science harder." better than Honey Boo Boo, Hookers for Jesus, Teen Mom, Hoarders and Jersey Shore.
All the cats are named after her dead husbands.
Recently, I've discovered a reality show that has my inner troll tripping balls so hard that even my girlfriend has become concerned. That show, ladies and gentlemen, is My Strange Addiction. This "lovely" reality piece is a sideshow of America's finest that begins with but isn't limited to, a woman telling me why two ply toilet paper is the best choice for snacky time.
I wonder if Quilted Northern is like a naughty late night nom.
Here's a video:
My favorite so far has to be the girl who pretty much was like, "My parents divorced, better eat my couch." And so she did.
Thank you, American television, for helping me study for my exams and pushing me to be the very best.
Since last spring, I've been playing around with making miniature ecosystems. I've been pretty sick this week so here's one I've put together; I even installed led lighting under the lid! Maybe I should start selling these....
Mood lighting!
Check out the sweet lichen growing on the wood.
Maybe I'll throw a snail or beetle in there when it really starts taking off with growth. I need some consumers to contribute CO2!
Hard to see but there's some little tiny purple/blue flowers getting ready to bloom.